
heart health

"The amount of vitality we feel is equal to the amount of love we give ourselves"
- Himani Ellis; ASHH (appalachia school of holistic herbalism) Founder

Mimosa pudica
Mimosa can be used to end dream disturbed sleep. This is because Mimosa is considered to be a shen tonic. Shen is a concept in Chinese Medicine that loosely translates as spirit, as in hopefully you have been in good spirits lately. Shen is the heart and mind connection. When are minds are at peace so are our hearts and when our hearts are troubled so are our minds.
Shen disturbances can manifest as insomnia, nightmares or excessive dreaming, forgetfullness, and dementia to name a few symptoms. Mimosa is called "collective tree of happiness" in China.   Its flowers look like something out of a Dr. Suess book similar to the blossoms of the Lorax's truffulla tree.  Mimosa flower is a wonderful addition to an antidepressant formula and gives anyone feelings of inner calm.

The heart is related to joy in Chinese medicine so playing and loving are important factors in staying heart healthy. it also relates to the color red and lo and behold many red fruits and herbs contain constituents that keep the heart disease free. Some of these include: pomegranates, cherries, hawthorne berries, cinnamon, cayenne, and yes... ROSES! 

(all info above taken directly from the ashh newsletter...thank you for being a consistent source of bountiful source of information)


a better than good day

at the end of every day when i sit back to reflect on all the elements in my life right now, i find myself getting a little overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude in which the universe can conduct blunt forced trauma.
and as i pick my thoughts up off the floor to reassemble where my thought energies should be going, i catch myself fighting back the negativity. doing this everyday wouldn't be so rewarding in gratitude if it weren't for the universe having my back....

...like my friend the donkey man calling me to say that he's going to get the headlight fixed on his old honda so i can have something to drive around town while i'm still here...
...like the random townsfolk who drive by and make it impossible not to hitch hike across town...
 ...like the owner of this little boutique in town where i've managed to land some last minute work comes to me, only after giving me one day a week when i was expecting more, to say how she's thinking about opening up a few more days in the morning which will give me some more shifts....
...like  my good friends and practically surrogate father and my practically surrogate mother stop by my house just as i'm randomly home (i've been house sitting all week) to say he came to check on me because he was worried i was sitting here by myself getting lonely, and how unbeknownst to me he's helping me find work...
...like my adopted sister dropping off my two grocery items from my measly grocery list, and throwing in a bottle of wine, only to say it's all on the house...

i feel like the universe just hugged me


give HEMP a chance

something you all should know:

The reason marijuana is illegal has very little to do with drugs, and is really about money and the continued centralization of economic and political control. Hemp seed oil is biodiesel and is three times more productive than any other seed oil crop, and hemp seed oil will run any diesel engine today with no modification. Hemp oil is the reason the petrochemical industry made up the "reefer madness" myth. They renamed hemp, using racist propaganda, calling it marijuana, and lied to make it illegal.

go to http://www.hempstalk.org/festival/ for more information on portland's annual hemp festival.
this is DRUG FREE and ALCOHOL FREE event. it's purpose is to bring awareness about the many beneficial uses of hemp, which IS NOT the same as marijuana (i'll leave that topic for another day).


dream island ~ the pearl of the indian ocean

socotra, republic of yemen...i HAVE to go here!!
(my eye caught this photo on a friend's website)
go to 
for more information on this delicious place 

mr. rothchild's energy discovery

sounds cool, huh? energy discovery? you mean someone has discovered energy efficiency and conservation other than that which we already know?!

now, now...don't get too excited. this isn't a new concept. just read the following excerpt from silent weapons for quiet wars

"""What Mr. Rothschild had discovered was the basic principle of power, influence, and control over people as applied to economics. That principle is "when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you."

Mr. Rothschild had discovered that currency or deposit loan accounts had the required appearance of power that could be used to induce people (inductance, with people corresponding to a magnetic field) into surrendering their real wealth in exchange for a promise of greater wealth (instead of real compensation). They would put up real collateral in exchange for a loan of promissory notes. Mr. Rothschild found that he could issue more notes than he had backing for, so long as he had someone's stock of gold as a persuader to show his customers.

Mr. Rothschild loaned his promissory notes to individual and to governments. These would create over confidence. Then he would make money scarce, tighten control of the system, and collect the collateral through the obligation of contracts. The cycle was then repeated. These pressures could be used to ignite a war. Then he would control the availability of currency to determine who would win the war. That government which agreed to give him control of its economic system got his support.

Collection of debts was guaranteed by economic aid to the enemy of the debtor. The profit derived from this economic methodology mad Mr. Rothschild all the more able to expand his wealth. He found that the public greed would allow currency to be printed by government order beyond the limits (inflation) of backing in precious metal or the production of goods and services. 


word of the day

philomath - a lover of learning; a scholar

how appropriate as i'm on a reclamation soul-searching journey to Philo.


free time...

...it's been a phrase that i've been using quite frequently.  most don't acquire free time because the average person is obligated to a 9 to 5 job, or some version of a job that is considered consistent and stable. i, on the other hand, have not had that type of continuity in ages. and not that i want it necessarily. i'm proud of my ability to live with the unknown, although i will admit that at times i feel a tinge of worry. but my grand perspective of what's important as a human living a life on this earth, i have other things that are much more worth my time than putting negative energy into a situation that is OBVIOUSLY not desirable....so instead of re-affirming the obvious, i make use of time. hence, my free time!!

all this week i'm house and kitty sitting, which is a lovely a setup considering my own living setup...not to disclose that situation openly...so i'll just say this one word, kitchen.

tonight's menu is a variation of one of my dad's favorite recipes. he might have snatched it from southern living, but either way that's what a "recipe" is for, no?

broiled cod
mince two garlic cloves and combine with equal parts flax seed oil and sour cream, enough to smear and cover two fillets. next, layer with diced yellow onion. then layer with a generous amount of freshly grated parmesan. DO NOT use that fake shakable crap. atop the parm sprinkle some sliced almonds and broil on low until fish is cooked all the way through. generally, the cheese will be sufficiently melted and the almonds browned.

sorry, no pictures. i ate it all before realizing i should share the info. 

The Right To Self Determination

are you one of those people who have wanted to escape "the system"? have you ever wondered if there is a way to truly live under a fair jurisdiction? do you have tidbits of information about filing a UCC, but aren't really sure how to do it or what will happen next after doing it? do you want REAL freedom? do you just question the hows and whys of our government system?or your question might be as simple as "what the hell is going on here?!"

this is 1 out of 13 youtube casts from a radio station, One Radio Network, that interviews David Williams, founder of  http://therightofselfdetermination.com/ 
please watch all 13 segments. it is a good two hours of mind blowing information. Williams isn't just another one of those awol americans who are crazed from the complete (seemingly) chaotic government system under which we live. he has done 12 years of extensive study, as well as pro-active research, on the origins of the US system which doesn't just date back to the declaration of independence in 1776, but in fact thousands of years ago in previous global cultures. where is the proof (?) you might ask. well, it's all documented !!! it's all accessible information to any ole tom, dick, or harry who wants to attempt at understanding it all. David Williams has done all the hard work for us. there is the old rule, it takes 10,000 hours of study to become an expert....over the last 12 years Williams has acquired 30,000.

if you're like me you'll set youtube to play each segment consecutively so you can listen to it in the background whilst piddling around the house...with notebook close by so taking reference notes about law orders, names, historical disputes and terminology is at your finger tips. if you've ever questioned anything about the government system in which you live under then the next two hours of your life will be well worth it.