am i going overboard with my daily posts? i'm sure that i'm not. i'm sure that there are some people who obsessively post EVERYTHING about their lives. i'm not here to do that. i mean, if you're documenting, then you're excused. but i think i've figured out why i've wanted a blog for so long even though blogging, like i've made a point to state in my very first post, it ain't really my thang. there are some who know me well enough to know that i talk to myself, a lot. and if you are one of those people it's probably because you're a family member and you've had the chance to walk in on me talking to myself, or you're a life long friend who has also had the opportunity to eaves drop on me. it really is an unintentional action. i honestly don't even know that i'm doing it. and sometimes i even catch myself and think "was i talking out loud or just thinking loud?" and it's no exaggeration to say that i do it
a lot. at work, taking a bath, feeding the cats, rotating laundry, picking my nose. it doesn't matter. so i think that subconsciously i want someone to listen. actually, no, on second thought that's not it because in real life i really don't want someone around as often as i talk to myself. so maybe it's because i just need the words to go somewhere else besides floating around space. they want a home. yeah. i like that reason.
and the theme of home carries over to rationalizing why i talk out loud. have i've felt homeless for a while, or what?! not homeless in the sense that i'm without shelter. but homeless in the sense that i'm a bird without a nest. a bird can perch on any limb and rest there, take a nap even, or spend the night. but in the morning it flies away to do other things, only to perch on a different limb the next night. but with a nest, that little feathery one has a place to return to and the right the batter off anyone who dares disturb her privacy! or she can just hide :)

by Sage Vaughn
your right brain could potentially be having conversations with your left brain. potentially.