i'm sure my argument isn't ground breaking, but here goes.
if you need an appointed day to remind you that it's time to show some love, then i hate to tell ya, but that ain't love much. pick any other random day of the year...several different days for that matter...and do something special. most people don't mind a surprise on a whim for no reason at all. it's unexpected. appreciated. literally, thoughtful. and what about those people who forget to celebrate v-day. they are chastised. banished from society. in the doghouse. how utterly stupid. there is nothing special about valentine's day. nothing. everyone is doing it, so shouldn't you?
what's more, what about those individual's who are single? there are some who want to be single. enjoy being single. love being single. and those who don't want to be single, valentine's day is a big fat slap in the face. ha ha! you're not getting laid tonight! ha ha! no body loves you!
to replace all the hoopla of today i recommend two options.
1) make up your own holiday. if i'm in the mood to uphold the love, but on a different level, then i'll jump around shouting "HAPPY TRANSIENT LOVERS DAY", go treat myself to some chocolate of my choice...which also guarantees quality over that grocery store clearance aisle crap...and have a night with myself celebrating freedom, personal liberty, transilience.
2) celebrate a holiday that is an honest to goodness holiday, but somebody thought v-day was better, and so has become overshadowed by the people who want to rule the world. for instance, national ferrish wheel day, which ironically is also February 14th. i can't imagine a cooler holiday myself. well, i probably could, but it's still pretty cool. think of the possibilities! go on a road trip. find a ferris wheel. ride it. love it. this is also an activity that does not have to be done alone, if company is so desired.
by screemgirl
* January 3, 1964 - 450,000 public school kids strike in NYC to protest segregation and poverty
*January 31 - National Gorilla Suit Day
* February 28, 2010 - full moon
* March 8, 2010 - International Women's Day
* March 14 - Pi Day (watch the movie)
* April 2, 1969 - 21 Black Panthers charged with conspiring to kill cops
* April 29 - International Yak Day...i dedicate this holiday to my homeslice Kristen, who doesn't read my blog
* May 7 (first friday of May) - No Pants Day...i know for a fact that places along the Appalachian Trail celebrate this day...the newspaper's favorite day of the year
* May 22, 1930 - Harvey Milk birth, first openly gay San Francisco supervisor and activist
* June 13, 2003 - Lusty Lady becomes the first worker-owned cooperative erotic dance club
* July 4, 2009 - my dog Aster Tamarind was born
* August 1, 2010 (first sunday in august) - Friendship Day
* September 19 - International Talk Like a Pirate Day
* October 30 - International Mischief Day/Night
* On any random day of the year...National Dadaism Day...my personal favorite
* December 5 - Ninja Day
have fun celebrating!
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