this exotic beauty is growing in the front yard!
primarily used to treat arthritis, devil's claw has also been used for ages as a blood purifier. it removes toxins from the blood by cleansing the system. strengthening of the arterial walls and veins by keeping them elastic prevents hardening and buildup. by keeping the blood vascular circulation clean and clear from buildup and blockages our bodies can maintain a systemic, over-all-body well being, which in turn can slow down the aging process. (jack ritchason, from the little herb encyclopedia)
chiricahuas, after the fire
after the fires, and at the beginning of the monsoons, mimi and i and one other apprentice went to the chiricahuas to evaluate the destruction left behind after months of wild fires. this was about two months ago, so i'm a little behind on my posts. it's time to visit again, now that the monsoons are over their peak and nearing the end, to see what the rains have brought up through the ash laden soils.
near the entrance, no damage. they were successful in protecting the buildings at the entrance and visitors center.
typically the monsoons will cause erosion, but with the preceding fires that stripped the land of plants and roots that hold it all together, there were many roads that were not passable. some had been cleared enough to cross over, if you have a four wheel drive.
after a fire as hot and devastating as this, it can sometimes be difficult to tell what has surface burn and what was killed. it was encouraging to see all the little green shoots coming out of the base of so many plants....LIFE!
other areas looked to be victims of a massive inferno...trees smoldering from the inside out.
amongst the plants that we did find growing were:
* not the garden variety, hence "true" geranium. an astringent with tannins and gallic acid. tea made from leaves and used as a wash need direct contact with the affected area to be an effective treatment for inflammation: sore throat, thrush, tonsillitis, etc. as digestible tea made from the roots, is effective in treating catarrhal gastritis, and stomach ulcers. is also useful in treating hemorrhoids and as a douche for vaginitis. also has mild hemostatic properties.
(michael moore's medicinal plants of the mountain west)
* a mild sedative for lungs and throat: raspy throat, early stages of lung infection and dry feeling in chest. ironically, the dried herb can be smoked for it's medicinal effectiveness in the lungs for coughs, relaxes bronchial spasms and asthma. many other uses for this plant, but these are the most common.
(michael moore's medicinal plants of the mountain west)
* sedative for cardiopulmonary excitability, expectorant. (michael moore's medicinal plants of the mountain west)
every wonder why cough syrups are often cherry flavored? for centuries chokecherry has been used for such ailments. unfortunately today most cough syrups are artificially cherry flavored, whereas if it really had chokecherries in it the flavor would be delicious and medicinal.
* treats water born bacteria in the intestines such as giardia and dysentery. in various forms is used as antispasmatic, astringent, epilepsy, asthma, and cardiac depressant. brought from asia, a very invasive plant brought due to its rapid colonization (check out photo below). constituents: (described by maud grieve) Lignin, chlorophyll, a yellow colouring matter, a gelatinous substance (pectin), quassin, an odorous resin, traces of a volatile oil, a nitrogenous, fatty matter, and several salts. A later analysis found starch, tannin, albumen, gum, sugar, oleoresin, and a trace of volatile oil, potash, phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid, iron, lime, and magnesia.
* i remember these trees on the east coast when i was a kid. the trees would shed it's bark and we'd gather it up and use it as paper in our pretend store. we called it a paper tree. in arizona it's called arizona sycamore, a different species than on the east coast. to be more specific, Platanus wrightii. mimi said she had never seen this tree shed so much bark. i was familiar with the amount as the ones in georgia seemed to shed all the time, all year long. but she said it was probably due to the excessive dryness and then the sudden rains that the tree swelled and shed to make room. it is said that only the Platanus orientalis species native to china and areas in india, has minor medicinal value (wikipedia), but down here even though not very well documented, if at all, the native species bark is used in mexio for issues dealing with prostate
* a lichen that grows in the tops of trees, and rarely in herb books, although widely known and valued. used as an immune stystem tonic for a general boost, and for prevention over long term use. very good for sinus and respiratory infections, sore throat, cold and flu symptoms, pneumonia, strep, bronchitis, and most chronic conditions of immune deficiancy.(jessica godino)
un plant related...i always wanted to find something inside the bark of a tree. like someone left something hanging on a branch so long ago that the tree had grown around it, encasing it in the inner layers of the bark forever. well, i found something similar. an iron nail. not as exciting as a necklace or jewel, but exciting none the less. this tree was one that burned from the inside leaving a shell of the thick middle layer. several trees had splayed open from the heat, like a hot scalpel had sliced them open. this couldn't have been made a gift any more perfect. it had splayed in the perfect place to reveal it's secret. two inches think in the bark. an iron nail. like i said, not as exciting as an antique necklace, but the concept was right on.
not a disappointing trip in the least. since the roads were closed higher up on the mountains we were not allowed access to the area called the monument, where the fire had done the most damage, obliterating the high altitude junipers. i had wanted to visit the chiricahuas upon arriving in bisbee, and kept putting it off. now, after the fires, i'll never be able to see how it once was (read about it at national park service). another trip is pending in order to go all the way to the top.
rounding out of the mountains and into the valley, exhausted from the day's adventures wondering around the hillsides, passing road blocks that didn't seem too dangerous, and discovering the new life beginnings of the chiricahuas, we were blessed yet again by the beauty of our Mother.
near the entrance, no damage. they were successful in protecting the buildings at the entrance and visitors center.
typically the monsoons will cause erosion, but with the preceding fires that stripped the land of plants and roots that hold it all together, there were many roads that were not passable. some had been cleared enough to cross over, if you have a four wheel drive.
after a fire as hot and devastating as this, it can sometimes be difficult to tell what has surface burn and what was killed. it was encouraging to see all the little green shoots coming out of the base of so many plants....LIFE!
other areas looked to be victims of a massive inferno...trees smoldering from the inside out.
amongst the plants that we did find growing were:
* not the garden variety, hence "true" geranium. an astringent with tannins and gallic acid. tea made from leaves and used as a wash need direct contact with the affected area to be an effective treatment for inflammation: sore throat, thrush, tonsillitis, etc. as digestible tea made from the roots, is effective in treating catarrhal gastritis, and stomach ulcers. is also useful in treating hemorrhoids and as a douche for vaginitis. also has mild hemostatic properties.
(michael moore's medicinal plants of the mountain west)
* a mild sedative for lungs and throat: raspy throat, early stages of lung infection and dry feeling in chest. ironically, the dried herb can be smoked for it's medicinal effectiveness in the lungs for coughs, relaxes bronchial spasms and asthma. many other uses for this plant, but these are the most common.
(michael moore's medicinal plants of the mountain west)
* sedative for cardiopulmonary excitability, expectorant. (michael moore's medicinal plants of the mountain west)
every wonder why cough syrups are often cherry flavored? for centuries chokecherry has been used for such ailments. unfortunately today most cough syrups are artificially cherry flavored, whereas if it really had chokecherries in it the flavor would be delicious and medicinal.
* treats water born bacteria in the intestines such as giardia and dysentery. in various forms is used as antispasmatic, astringent, epilepsy, asthma, and cardiac depressant. brought from asia, a very invasive plant brought due to its rapid colonization (check out photo below). constituents: (described by maud grieve) Lignin, chlorophyll, a yellow colouring matter, a gelatinous substance (pectin), quassin, an odorous resin, traces of a volatile oil, a nitrogenous, fatty matter, and several salts. A later analysis found starch, tannin, albumen, gum, sugar, oleoresin, and a trace of volatile oil, potash, phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid, iron, lime, and magnesia.
* i remember these trees on the east coast when i was a kid. the trees would shed it's bark and we'd gather it up and use it as paper in our pretend store. we called it a paper tree. in arizona it's called arizona sycamore, a different species than on the east coast. to be more specific, Platanus wrightii. mimi said she had never seen this tree shed so much bark. i was familiar with the amount as the ones in georgia seemed to shed all the time, all year long. but she said it was probably due to the excessive dryness and then the sudden rains that the tree swelled and shed to make room. it is said that only the Platanus orientalis species native to china and areas in india, has minor medicinal value (wikipedia), but down here even though not very well documented, if at all, the native species bark is used in mexio for issues dealing with prostate
* a lichen that grows in the tops of trees, and rarely in herb books, although widely known and valued. used as an immune stystem tonic for a general boost, and for prevention over long term use. very good for sinus and respiratory infections, sore throat, cold and flu symptoms, pneumonia, strep, bronchitis, and most chronic conditions of immune deficiancy.(jessica godino)
un plant related...i always wanted to find something inside the bark of a tree. like someone left something hanging on a branch so long ago that the tree had grown around it, encasing it in the inner layers of the bark forever. well, i found something similar. an iron nail. not as exciting as a necklace or jewel, but exciting none the less. this tree was one that burned from the inside leaving a shell of the thick middle layer. several trees had splayed open from the heat, like a hot scalpel had sliced them open. this couldn't have been made a gift any more perfect. it had splayed in the perfect place to reveal it's secret. two inches think in the bark. an iron nail. like i said, not as exciting as an antique necklace, but the concept was right on.
not a disappointing trip in the least. since the roads were closed higher up on the mountains we were not allowed access to the area called the monument, where the fire had done the most damage, obliterating the high altitude junipers. i had wanted to visit the chiricahuas upon arriving in bisbee, and kept putting it off. now, after the fires, i'll never be able to see how it once was (read about it at national park service). another trip is pending in order to go all the way to the top.
rounding out of the mountains and into the valley, exhausted from the day's adventures wondering around the hillsides, passing road blocks that didn't seem too dangerous, and discovering the new life beginnings of the chiricahuas, we were blessed yet again by the beauty of our Mother.
fields of coral colored mesquite beans and yellow-green feathery leaves against a background of darkening thunder clouds that have a uniqueness about them when seen in the desert, followed by rainbows and sunsets
LAPIS pendant
i've had this lapis medallion for many years. i can't remember exactly where i bought it, but i'm pretty sure it was some hole in the wall gem store in D.C., or a dusty forgotten-about vintage rock store in Virginia Beach. never the less, it's been a while. through the years i've worn it with a simple hook and black cord. it's been dropped and banged around collecting a few rough edges.
since moving into my friend serena's house i've met our neighbor joe who i've met previously at the cafe. upon visiting joe's house (another separate post deserving recognition) one is instantly enthralled in everything hanging off the ceilings, walls and windows. and later as your gaze comes back down to eye sight level you notice everything lingering around at hand level. as i'm a curious one about other people's habitats, their stories and what they do that distinguishes them, i discovered that joe is a jeweler. my ears perked...i've been searching for someone to encase my lapis in a simple metal band to protect it from future nicks and bangs. we looked at the piece under a light to see it's decadent strands of black and gold filaments.
a few days pass and joe invites me over to see the work he's done so far: a royal band with a crown like scalloped edge. wow! a few more days later he calls me over to see an idea he had: a short band of turquoise at the bottom curve, in various shapes of oval starting in with biggest in the center and getting smaller as both sides round up...vintage, Persian turquoise! how exquisite. and the visits progressed into many adaptations...a tiny diamond because it's my birth stone, which was news to me. i argued a bit about the diamond stating that i'm really not a big fan of diamonds. a look of surprise and i realized it was an honorable gift, so i accepted. it made a perfect fit for the hole drilled near the top as a way to affix some device to assemble a chain. and the last and final addition, an oval piece of coral at the top.
a complete and gorgeous surprise when i received it today...even joe himself said it was magic!
since moving into my friend serena's house i've met our neighbor joe who i've met previously at the cafe. upon visiting joe's house (another separate post deserving recognition) one is instantly enthralled in everything hanging off the ceilings, walls and windows. and later as your gaze comes back down to eye sight level you notice everything lingering around at hand level. as i'm a curious one about other people's habitats, their stories and what they do that distinguishes them, i discovered that joe is a jeweler. my ears perked...i've been searching for someone to encase my lapis in a simple metal band to protect it from future nicks and bangs. we looked at the piece under a light to see it's decadent strands of black and gold filaments.
a few days pass and joe invites me over to see the work he's done so far: a royal band with a crown like scalloped edge. wow! a few more days later he calls me over to see an idea he had: a short band of turquoise at the bottom curve, in various shapes of oval starting in with biggest in the center and getting smaller as both sides round up...vintage, Persian turquoise! how exquisite. and the visits progressed into many adaptations...a tiny diamond because it's my birth stone, which was news to me. i argued a bit about the diamond stating that i'm really not a big fan of diamonds. a look of surprise and i realized it was an honorable gift, so i accepted. it made a perfect fit for the hole drilled near the top as a way to affix some device to assemble a chain. and the last and final addition, an oval piece of coral at the top.
a complete and gorgeous surprise when i received it today...even joe himself said it was magic!
together again
my sweet precious petunia was never found, but i have to be at peace that maybe it was her time. maybe she just walked out the door because the after world was calling her. at least i will think of it happening that way. she will forever be held in my heart as my cat priestess.
we had such a close and powerful connection. i'm a huge animal person...stray dogs walk up to me and sit at my feet...cats who don't like to be picked up let me cuddle them on my shoulder. as i was calling out for ruby i came to a pile of old railroad ties...cats love to hide in wood piles...and like someone had yanked my arm from behind to stand still, i heard a little voice....actually loud, and without any mistake i heard "i am fine, go take care of aster now, she needs you"...that was my ruby talking to me. and right there i said my goodbyes and went to fetch aster.
a little rough around the edges, a little desert ranch worn, we loaded her up in the car. luckily i was able to get her in to the doctors just to have a checkup on her overall health...she wasn't at all interested in eating....he asked me questions about her lifestyle with me and her lifestyle at the ranch, or at least as much as i know...he said she was probably depressed...she was healthy, just a little sad. i glad to hear that nothing was ailing her.
the ride home was laden with a heavy heart for ruby, but grateful to have my earth child aster back in my arms.
we had such a close and powerful connection. i'm a huge animal person...stray dogs walk up to me and sit at my feet...cats who don't like to be picked up let me cuddle them on my shoulder. as i was calling out for ruby i came to a pile of old railroad ties...cats love to hide in wood piles...and like someone had yanked my arm from behind to stand still, i heard a little voice....actually loud, and without any mistake i heard "i am fine, go take care of aster now, she needs you"...that was my ruby talking to me. and right there i said my goodbyes and went to fetch aster.
a little rough around the edges, a little desert ranch worn, we loaded her up in the car. luckily i was able to get her in to the doctors just to have a checkup on her overall health...she wasn't at all interested in eating....he asked me questions about her lifestyle with me and her lifestyle at the ranch, or at least as much as i know...he said she was probably depressed...she was healthy, just a little sad. i glad to hear that nothing was ailing her.
the ride home was laden with a heavy heart for ruby, but grateful to have my earth child aster back in my arms.
dear ruby petunia, may the wings of safety comfort you
my dear sweet ruby petunia. my little sugar plum fairy. you've been missing for two months now. i am sorry for leaving you behind. i feel complete responsibility for your sadness and fear, and the need to hide or run away. please know that indiana and i have said prayers for you and aster every single day that we've been a part, and counting the days when we can be together again. to smell your sweet, soft petunia belly. to have your whiskers tickle my nose when you curl up on my shoulder at night. to hear your bold rawr when you drag my socks and other personals across the floor, dragging the length between your hind end. your bright emerald green eyes, how they are so vibrant when you stare into the sun...i've been wearing green every day in your memory, and for the hope that you've been surviving in a kitchen cabinet, or in a box out in the barn, only to come out at night to eat when nothing is around to disturb you or harm sneaky lil precious. if only i had known sooner that you hadn't been seen around then i would have been there immediately to find you and take you away with me. at that moment when i left, i did what i thought would be good for you. i would never leave you somewhere that i thought would be unsafe. i know that home is the only ideal place for you, and so i've been looking for a place for and my family, indiana, aster, and you my darling rubes. it's only been recently that i've secured a home where all of us would be welcomed and comfortable. i know you too well. and i know that you don't just run away. even when you're mad at me for leaving you for too long, you just hide and pout, but you never, never run away. so i still have hope. please be there when i come. every night my heart aches for you. we were not supposed to part like this. the 13 years we've been together since your birth was not supposed to end with a sense of abandonment. i miss taking your picture when you find a single shaft of sunlight streaming through a window and you roll around in the warmth like your splashing in a incredibly dear to my heart these memories of you. and the necklace i made for you that you always seemed to lose, and when i'd find it you'd sit tall and still while i fixed it back on around your were always so proud to wear your jewelry. and those warm afternoon when you would beg to go sit out in the grass, i'd watch you hide in the reeds and pounce after a grass hopper or never hurt the creatures, only gently played with them and set them free. i try every day to put the terrible thoughts of you suffering out of my mind. i just can't bear the idea of you lying somewhere, hurt, and scared, and helpless. instead, i put out energies of safety, and vibes of love and comfort. i know you can hear me.
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