
erecting the bell tent

clearly, an adventure in and of itself.
building the deck: there was lots of work preceding the pallet assembling...leveling the ground, moving large rocks, carrying pallets up our walk way into the ravine....yeah, i don't get cred for all that.
you wouldn't think it would be that difficult to collect empty cardboard boxes, but it took us about a week until we found these wax coated boxes that are thrown away because they can't be recycled....perfect for the impending monsoon season.
trust me when i say instructions are necessary when you have a tent from the UK. a smart design, indeed. but not obvious unless you've done it before. plus, we were smart enough to attempt this at night.

the final view

i love the candelabra


  1. That is one BA tent. Where did you order it from?

  2. this company in the UK...cost plus shipping was cheaper than buying one in the states. check them out
