
biosphere 2

instead of going to some sticky stinky loud bar and poisoning ourselves with excessive amounts of cheap alcohol for new years, we went to a lovely dinner at DOWNTOWN Kitchen in tuson. not extravagantly expensive, but tolerable. the food was nothing short of "nothing else i've ever had before". i'm getting hungry just thinking about it. unfortunately, no pictures to show the deliciousness that was devoured.

new years day we went to oracle, just north of tuscon, for a tour of the Biosphere 2. originally privately owned as a science project, it was gifted to the university of arizona in july of 2011. there is lots of skepticism as to the success and effectiveness of the experiment: a three year public observation of the lives of several scientists living inside the biosphere, without coming out, to measure survivability. basically, what it takes to be utterly sustainable. there are 5 ecosystems to tour:
(not pictured in order)
-tropical rainforest
-ocean coral reef
-fog desert
-savannah grasslands
-mangrove wetlands



  1. Ooooh!!! so do these guys still LIVE INSIDE? Wow I want to join them.

  2. no one lives there anymore, but from what i read it was pretty intense. three whole years and never coming out?! whoa. some of the studies showed that they were slightly malnurished. but that was what the study was all about: observing sustainability practices and how long people could actually live on solely what they grow and harvest. pretty cool.

  3. wow. seriously?! that's about on par with living on the moon...
