
unemployed person's guide to 24 hours of free time every day

make the best gluten free pizza ever:
brown rice crust

black bean and garlic spread
(lots LOTS of garlic, tahini, herbed sea salt, lemon juice, white pepper)

generous red onion

goat cheese cheddar

juicy organic tomato


experiment with sun teas

build small city out of rock collection

visit donkey land

discover Jack Kerouac and The Dharma Bums
"...But then i really believed in the reality of charity and kindness and humility and zeal and neutral tranquility and wisdom and ecstasy, and i believed that i was an oldtime bhikku in modern clothes wandering the world...in order to turn the wheel of True Meaning, or Dharma, and gain merit for myself as a future Buddha and as a future Hero in Paradise...i considered myself a religious wanderer"
(from my postcard collection)

catch up on recommended movies

it was suggested that i blog as part of filling up my time. i thought about it. started a few drafts. and just as quickly hit delete. see? nothing exciting going on here. just some good ole forced vacation time. 
i've never been one to sit still for very long...at least when i'm by myself, i have to be doing something...anything constructive, productive, creative...the wheels and cranks have been turning upstairs for a long time now and all that stored energy is ready to be used...although nap time is now essential to my daily agenda...i'm also forcibly being taught to slow down. i'm pretty relaxed by nature, but living a routine of work, work, work, and squeeze-in-a-little-fun-time-and-push-out-everything-else-i'd-rather-be-doing, has adjusted me to the feeling of being anxious. now THAT, i do not like. but, i think i'm doing a pretty good job at re-adjusting back to my normalcy.
i can also think of this time as actually getting what i wanted...the part where "i'd rather be doing something else"...
good morning Morning, welcome to the days of doing-something-else where
Art is Long and Time is Fleeting

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