
officially gypsy

i've waited to post this, but feel like it shouldn't be any big secret. i didn't freak out much, although still kind of  bummed by the news.
so, while in el paso i received a certified email from the herbalist at the farm where i was destined to live for the next 7months, informing me that it's better for me not to come since i'll be bringing my dog along. yeah. so regardless of the nasty details of how that information was actually told to me...and all the accusations surrounding it...that's the nitty gritty. so here i am, my home on my back, taking my time along the southwest. which is why it's kind of a blessing in disguise. yes, i'm definitely not too happy about not being in the dirt and communing with the plants...but the gypsy lifestyle has been calling for some time now...and is it really planned anyway? i seem to think not. so even if this period of time in my life is short, it is what it is, and it is confirmed that there are no constraints on my time. Indi is loving every minute of it...and speaking of, there has been some renovations to Indiana's name...not by my doings...but in meeting fellow travelers he has acquired the name of Indigo, due to his one blue eye. we'll see if it sticks.

last note: i am seeking herbal farms else where in california, just in case the burning need to ask arises


  1. Sorry to hear that sis. It sucks when things all of the sudden veer off course. I know what it's like, oh wait that's us too! Things will work out be sure to keep me posted. Love you!

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