
long walks on the beach...

...and sunsets!
it's rare that i post images that dare be called cliche, but it's also just as rare that i actually photograph it.
maybe it was Noble and Alaine's delicious mojitos that made me so inspired. 

unaltered, in progression as the world turns, atop Eve's Garden.

changed camera settings

aborted experiment. went back to original settings.

hope there weren't too many sighs of boredom out there. 
please return next time for something more exciting.
sunsets have never been done justice through a lens, except for the occasional b&w, which oddly enough even though all the brilliant colors are taken out, seem to be much more engaging in my opinion. it's about the varying shades and hues and degradations of color.
to really experience a sunset it must be visited in person. naturally.


  1. sighs of missing the flat and higher elevation desert. is that allowed? siiighs

  2. Awe inspiring pics!! No boredom here!!
